Monday, March 4, 2013

1 Month Mark

I cannot believe I have been in this beautiful country for a whole month. It has gone by so fast and a fifth of my time here is already over. I hope that time slows down a little bit because the first month went way too quick. Since the last time I blogged I have not done a whole lot. I finished my German intensive course (THANK GOODNESS) and hopefully I get the credits for it. Even though I have only been here for one month, I can honestly say this experience will effect me for the rest of my life. Being a foreign exchange student is the best decision I have ever made. I literally have friends from all corners of the world and I know that even years after I leave here, I would be able to travel just about anywhere and always have a place to stay. In the words of my flatmate Bethany, I now have a couch in every country. All these cultures that I have come in contact with will definitely stick with me for the rest of my days and it's been such a blessing to be able to make all these friends. 

The quote of the day goes to my Swedish friend Henrietta: "You live in the Bible belt? Well that's interesting... We live in the liquor belt."  Same thing, right?

Interesting fact: Because almost all the buildings here in Graz are the original buildings, Graz takes pride in the culture and history that the buildings hold. They are famous for their red tiles that are on top of most of the buildings. Some of the tiles are up to 600 years old. If someone wants to redo their roofing, it is not allowed. If one tile breaks, that one and only tile is replaced. 

For this blog I have a few pictures!! sorry that some are crooked. I was walking while taking all of these!


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